Chapter 59
“I guess we better head back,” Lucky said, glancing at his watch. They had been in the park for over an hour, just talking and kissing...mostly kissing.
Liz sighed and stood up. “Yeah, we wouldn’t want to worry them.” Lucky took her hand and they walked out of the park together.
“Hey, did you hear about that dance next week?” Lucky asked, running a shaky hand through his hair.
Liz smiled at him. “Of course, there are posters all over the school!”
“Right. Um, would you go with me?” He asked, trying to keep his voice from cracking. He couldn’t understand why he was so nervous. After all, they had known each other for months and were already going out!
She giggled at his anxiousness. He hadn’t even seemed this nervous when he told her how he felt about her at the talent show! “I’d love to!”
He grinned and kissed her as they walked down the street to his house. A few minutes later she turned to him and frowned. “Do you think Ms. Kraft will have our grades on Monday?”
“Well, she was supposed to have them last Monday, but said she didn’t get through them all in time, so I’m sure she’ll have them done by then! Why, are you worried?”
She shrugged. “Maybe a little. What if we totally bombed that last part? We were doing so well up until that one.”
He smiled and reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. “I doubt it. We’ve done too well on the rest to bomb this one. Don’t worry, we’ll do fine. Now let’s get inside before they come looking for us!” They walked up to the front door and kissed again before opening it.
“Well, look who’s back!” Luke shouted from the living room. “I was starting to think you two had eloped!”
Lucky rolled his eyes and led her to the kitchen, ignoring his father. “Hey guys,” he said as they walked in. Amy, Tammy and Mike had already gone home. Laura, Bobbie, Sonny, Jason and Carly were in the kitchen sitting at the table, playing cards. Everyone else was out in the living room watching the game.
“Did you just get back?” Laura asked, trying to hide a smile. Lucky nodded and went to the refrigerator, sticking his head inside. Liz laughed.
“You can’t possibly be hungry again!”
He stepped back and grinned at her. “Of course I can! Mom, where’d you put the leftover turkey?”
“Bottom shelf,” she answered, looking at her cards.
“Hey, Lucky, bring some of that over here, will ya?” Sonny asked as Jason murmured in agreement. The women all shook their heads at the men’s appetites.
Lucky pulled up a chair and sat at the table, pulling Liz onto his lap. As the three guys tore into the cold turkey, Nikolas popped his head into the room. “I just put Lulu to bed. She was getting kind of cranky. Mmmm, turkey!” He hurried inside and stood behind Lucky, reaching over his shoulder to grab a chunk of white meat.
“Thanks, honey. I hadn’t realized how late it was,” Laura said with a laugh.
“So what’s the game?” Lucky asked, gnawing on a drumstick.
“Poker,” Sonny answered, throwing in some chips.
“Oooh, I love poker!” Lucky said. Liz looked down at him and shook her head.
“What about that gambling problem Nikolas mentioned earlier?”
He shrugged. “I can still play, just not with real money.”
“Of all the things for him to inherit from his father....” Laura said, putting down her hand. “Full house!” She grinned as everyone threw down their hands and groaned.
“Have you been taking lessons from Luke?” Sonny asked. “That’s the third game in a row you’ve won!”
Liz sighed happily and looked up at Lucky. Everyone had gone into the kitchen to eat again, and they were left alone out in the living room. He was laying on his side, his head propped up on his hand. Liz was laying in front of him, her back to him, with his other arm draped around her waist. She had never felt more comfortable in her life.
Lucky looked down at her and smiled. “What?”
She shook her head “Nothing. Just lookin’.”
“At what? Me?”
“Mm-hm. Wondering how I managed to resist you for so long.”
He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. “I’ve wondered the same thing about myself. If only we weren’t so stubborn.”
“Yeah, I know. I blame your parents. After all, if they hadn’t been pushing us, we might not have fought so hard!”
“Good point. They’re evil, aren’t they?” he asked, laughing.
“Who’s evil?” Luke asked with a grin, coming out of the kitchen with a hunk of turkey in his hand.
“Who do you think?” Lucky asked. He looked at the clock and groaned. “Wow, it’s late. I guess I should take you home.”
Liz looked up and frowned. “Yeah, I guess. I wouldn’t want Gram to worry.” She slowly sat up, not wanting to leave. Lucky sat up as well and sighed. She had felt so good laying in his arms, he hadn’t wanted to let go.
They stood up and made their way to the door while Luke watched. Once they were gone, he chuckled and turned to go back into the kitchen.
“Here you go,” Lucky said, pulling up to her house. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
She smiled as she opened the car door to get out. “Probably shopping with Emily for a dress for the dance.”
He turned off the car and got out, walking with her to the front door. “On the biggest shopping day of the year? Are you nuts?”
“Maybe, but I want to start looking right away. I want this dress to be perfect.”
“If you’re in it, it will be,” he said softly, gently touching her cheek, She smiled and leaned her face into his hand. “Do you want to do something after that? Or do you plan on shopping all day and night?”
“No, just during the day. I’m free all night. How about a movie?”
“Sure, sounds good. Call me when you get home then?” he asked, leaning closer, his eyes fixed on her mouth.
She nodded slightly and whispered, “okay.” He brought his lips down on hers in a lingering kiss, not wanting to leave. Finally, she broke away and smiled. “I better get inside before Gram comes out here.”
“Right, you should,” he said quietly, kissing her again. She giggled and gently pushed him back.
“Lucky, I’m never going to make it into the house if you keep doing that!”
“Then my plan is working,” he said with an evil grin. She laughed and punched him lightly on the shoulder.
“You’re a bad influence, you know that?”
“I got it from my dad. He’s the king of bad influences! Now, come back here, my lips are cold.”
She laughed and stepped closer to him, running her finger along his bottom lip. “Oh they are, huh? Maybe you should get a scarf.”
“Nah, you warm them much better than a scarf could.”
She smiled and tilted her head up to kiss him, grabbing the back of his head and putting everything she had into it. He wobbled for a moment, tightening his grip around her waist. When they parted, he was out of breath. She smiled innocently and licked her bottom lip. “Think that’ll keep you warm for a while?”
Still reeling, he couldn’t find any words, so he just nodded and murmured an “mm-hm.” She giggled and opened the front door.
“Good night, Lucky.”
He cleared his throat nervously. “Dreams of gold, Elizabeth.” She quickly blew him a kiss and went inside, closing the door behind her and leaning against it with a huge smile on her face, unaware that he was doing the same thing on the other side.

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