Chapter 5
"Anything?" Helena asked as Faison entered the room.
He shook his head. "No, I left a message on his answering machine. He's probably in class right now."
"Hmm. He better be. If our plan is ruined because of that Scorpio girl..."
Faison hold up his hand to stop her. "Don't worry about it. It's a big school. He'll probably never see her again. I did some damage control on the phone with him earlier, and he knows that he must stay away from Port Charles. Everything is going to be fine."
"Even if this particular crisis has passed, what about the next one? Or the one after that? There's still 3 years left before he can claim his place as the heir. A lot can happen in 3 years!" Helena was not usually one to worry like this, but she had too much at stake this time.
"My dear, we've made it through 5 years already with no problems, 3 more isn't going to be any different. If we can successfully brainwash a Spencer into believing he's a Cassidine, then we can handle this!"
She smiled. "You're right. There's nothing to worry about." She sat back and thought about the part 5 years. It had been difficult at first, but after a while, the boy had lost all hope for returning to his former life. Once that happened, the brainwashing was a breeze.
Helena chuckled. Only she could come up with such a brilliant plan. When she realized that she was not going to be able to control Nikolas, and found out that Stefan had gained control over the estate when the truth about Nikolas's paternity came out, she had grown desperate. Then it had hit her. If she couldn't control those in power, why not create an heir? Find someone who would be loyal to her and make it look like they were Stavros's long-lost son. It was perfect. And of course, the ultimate irony of them all was making Luke Spencer's son that boy.
Sure, it had been challenging, but she thrived on challenges. It had required a lot of hard work, but it finally paid off after a few years, and now the boy had no doubt in his mind that he was Lucien, son of Stavros, heir to the Cassidine estate. And, being his loving grandmother, she would be able to control it through him. Yes, life was good. If only Luke knew where his son was now!
Lucien finished his meal, thinking about the couple he had just met. Something about the woman seemed strange to him, but he couldn't place it. He looked in the window and saw that Nikolas was still in there with the girl. He sighed. He couldn't stay here too much longer, or the waitress would get suspicious, so he decided to take a walk. He could always follow Nikolas another day.
A few minutes later he found himself in the park. He walked along, listening to the birds and the distant laughter of children playing. He came upon a fountain and stopped to look at it. For some reason he had an uneasy feeling about the place. It didn't make any sense. The park was beautiful, it was bright and sunny, and warm. But as soon as he came upon that fountain, he felt sick. A chill ran through his body as his eyes fell on a group of bushes behind the bench. He wondered if he had gotten food poisoning at that diner.
"Sir? Are you okay?" a soft female voice asked from behind him. He turned around quickly, surprised that someone else was there. There was a very attractive woman smiling at him in concern. She had blond hair that fell softly to her shoulders.
"Yes, I'm fine, thank you," he said, returning her smile.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, but you looked troubled standing there."
"Oh, I just didn't feel well for a moment, but it has passed. I think it was just jet-lag."
"So you're not from here? What brings you to Port Charles?" she couldn't help being curious about this young man. As soon as she saw him, she had felt an immediate instinct to take care of him.
He smiled again. "I have family here. I came to surprise them. I've never been to America before, so this is all kind of strange to me."
She was surprised. He didn't have a foreign accent, so she assumed that he was either American, or had spent a great deal of his life there. "Really? Your English is so good, I thought you must be an American! Where are you from?"
"I grew up in Greece, but I've been living in Paris recently. My mother was American, which, I've been told, is why I have no accent," He said sadly.
Noticing his sadness, she decided to change the subject. "Well, I'm sure your family will be pleased to see you." Just then, two girls who were spitting-images of the woman came running up to her. She laughed at their energy.
"Your children are beautiful," Lucien said, admiring them. The woman smiled at him warmly.
"Thank you. Maxie, Georgie, I'd like you to meet...I'm sorry, I never got your name."
"Lucien," he said, smiling.
"Lucien. That's a nice name. I'm Felicia, and these are my daughters, Maxie and Georgie. We're meeting my husband for a late lunch, so we better get going, but it was very nice to meet you. I hope everything goes well with your family." She smiles at him again and herds her daughters out of the park.
He smiled, watching her leave. So far, everyone had been so nice to him. He couldn't understand why his grandmother and uncle were so against him coming here. He heard people approaching, their laughter carried in the air ahead of them. He tried to step out of the way so that they wouldn't see him, but they entered the clearing too soon, and he found himself face-to-face with his cousin.
"Excuse me," he said quickly, and hurried out of the park.
Nikolas turned to Emily. "What was that all about?"
She shook her head. "I don't know. It looked like we freaked him out."
Nikolas frownde. "Did he look familiar to you? Something about his eyes reminded me of someone, but I can't figure out who."
"I didn't really get a good look at him. He ran off too quickly. I'm sure it was nothing. Come on, my parents are going to kill me if I don't get home soon!" she grabbed his hand and lead him away, but he couldn't get the man's face out of his mind.
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