Chapter 55
Lucky took her hand and walked up to Jason and Carly,. “Guys, I’d like you to meet Elizabeth Webber. Elizabeth, this is my cousin, Carly, and her husband, Jason Morgan.”
Liz smiled, trying to keep calm, and shook their hands. “It’s nice to meet both of you.”
Carly smiled at her. “So, this is the girl we’ve been hearing so much about!”
Liz looked at Lucky. “They’ve heard about me?”
He laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, my dad likes to gossip, haven’t you figured that out yet?”
“Oh, right. How could I forget!”
He then pulled her back into the living room and introdced her to everyone there. “Okay, you already met Jax at his wedding, next to him is his brother Jerry, then Mac Scorpio, Tony Jones, and Mike Corbin. Everyone, this is Elizabeth Webber.”
Liz smiled at everyone, feeling very self-conscious all of a sudden. She hated being introduced to people. Luckily, his family’s friends seemed very nice, and didn’t stare at her too much! Once the introductions were over, Lucky grabbed her hand again and drug her into the kitchen.
“Lucky, is this really necessary?” she asked, wishihg the whole embarassing thing was over.
“Yes, it is. Just bear with me for a few more minutes, this is the last of them!” He opened the door and surveyed the room. “Hey, guys, I don’t think you’ve all met Elizabeth, so I just wanted to introduce her.”
They all say hi to her as Lucky pointed them out. “You know my mom and my Aunt Bobbie, and I think you met my Aunt Amy earlier.” She nodded. “You met Chloe at her wedding, and next to her is Felicia Scorpio-Jones, Mac’s wife. Then over there is Sonny Corinthos, who is probably hiding from Mac,” Sonny glared at him, then laughed, “and Tammy Carson.”
Liz giggled, noticing that he had finally found out Tammy’s last name. She smiled at them, then followed Lucky back out into the living room. They retreated to a quiet corner and sat down. “So, overwhelmed yet?”
“Not too much, but I don’t really see why you all kept saying how bad they all were. They seem nice to me.”
“Sure, they are, by themselves. But a lot of them have issues with each other, so having them all in a room together could get kind of hairy. Leave it to my dad to consider that as entertaining!” He leaned in and kissed her, something he’d been wanting to do ever since they got there. Now that no one was really looking, he decided to seize the moment.
Liz pulled away after a minute, afraid people were going to see them. “Okay, so who should I be worried about?”
“Gee, you want a list?” He laughed, then began to rattle off all the feuds that would probably be going on later. “Let’s see, the big one is probably Mac, Sonny, and Jason. Mainly because Mac is the head of the police department and Sonny and Jason are, well, in a line of work he doesn’t approve of. Also, Jason used to date his neice, Robin, and he still blames him for breaking her heart by marrying Carly. Then there’s Jax and Sonny, who were in love with the same woman..”
“Brenda?” she asked, starting to get the hang of it.
“Right. Jax hates Sonny because he left Brenda at the altar, causing her to have a nervous breakdown, and Sonny for some reason blames Jax for her death. Mike and Sonny don’t always get along that well either, even though Mike’s his father. There’s a lot of past problems between them, so they tend to argue a lot. Um, oh yeah, Tony Jones and Jason and Carly hate each other, too. See, way back before we knew she was my cousin, she had an affair with Tony, who was married to my Aunt Bobbie at the time..”
“Ew, you mean he was her stepfather?” Liz broke in, making a face.
Lucky lauhged. “Yeah, I guess you could say that, but she’s the only one who knew that. Anyway, when she got prgnant with Michael, she found out it was AJ Quartermaine’s, so she told Tony that it was Jason’s, because she was afraid that he or AJ would take away the baby. Tony went kind of bonkers and kidnapped Michael after he was born, and when Jason was trying to get him back, they had a fight, and Jason broke Tony’s hand. Now Tony blames Jason for ruining his career as a neurosurgeon, and hates Carly just on basic principles. The feeling is mutual. But, he’s Lucas’s father, so Bobbie can’t just throw him out of her life. Plus, he’s worked through all that stuff, and he’s okay now. Also, he’s Felicia’s ex-brother-in-law, so he’s sort of related that way, too.”
He stopped to take a breath and think of anything he might have missed. “Then there’s the usual dislike between my dad and Nikolas, but that’s nothing new to you. Other than that, I think that’s all. Oh, Emily doesn’t like Carly too much either, but she tries to be nice to him for Jason’s sake. And I don’t think Amy likes Carly either.”
“Jason’s Emily’s brother, right?” Liz asked, her mind spinning. Lucky nodded. “Okay, so basically, this place could turn into a war zone?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far. They’re all adults, I think they can manage a truce for one day, for the sake of the holiday.”
“So, if these people all hate each other, why are they all here?”
“Well, aside from the obvious relatives.... Jax and Chloe are here because of Jerry, who’s here with Bobbie. Tony’s here for Lucas and Felicia. Mac and Felicia are here becaues they’re good friends of my parents. Mac’s brother was my dad’s best friend, and Felicia is good friends with both Bobbie and my mom. Jason and Carly are here because she’s a Spencer, and wherever Jason goes, Sonny usually goes too, plus he’s a close friend and business partner with my dad. Mike’s here with Tammy, who has become a good family friend since taking over Kelly’s. And Emily’s with Nikolas, who, unfortunately, is my brother.”
“Oh, quit it. You like him and you know it. You just don’t want to admit it,” Liz said, hitting him playfully. He rolled his eyes, but refused to answer.
Laura came out of the kitchen to announce dinner, so everyone got up and slowly made their way to the tables. Bobbie, Felicia, and Carly got the kids table all organized, as the rest of them stood around the main table, trying to decide where to sit. Finally, they sorted themselves out and sat down.
Luke was at one end, and Laura was at the other, in case she needed to get to the kitchen for anything. “Well, since it’s Thanksgiving, I think we should go around the table and give thanks for something,” Laura said cheerfully, ignoring the many groans that followed.
“Oh, come on. I’ll start. I’m thankful that my family is all together and that they are happy and healthy.” She looked at Amy, who was sitting to her right, signaling for her to go next.
Amy sighed. “Okay, I’m thankful that my sister is so happy. I’d be even more thankful if I could find a man by the end of the year, though!” Everyone chuckled as she looked at the next person.
Chloe smiled at Jax. “I’m thankful fo rmy new husband.” Jax smiled back. “And I’m thankful for my new wife.”
Luke made a gagging sound from the other end of the table, and everyone snickered. Jax turned to Jerry, waiting for him to go. “I’m thankful that my brother has finally found love again, and that I have too,” he smiled at Bobbie, who giggled.
“I’m thankful that I have both of my children with me, and that they’re happy and healthy.” She smiled and squeezed Carly’s shoulder. Carly sighed and looked at Jason, then tuned to glance at Michael. “I’m thankful that my baby finally has his daddy. And that I do, too.” She kissed Jason on the cheek, causing him to blush.
He cleared his throat, not sure what to say. “Um, I guess I’m thankful that Michael finally has a real home. And for Carly, I suppose.” He grinned at her and she hit him on the shoulder, then turned to Sonny, waiting for him to speak.
“Hey, I’m just thankful that Taggert’s not here!” he said with a grin. Eveyone laughed, even Mac.
Luke stood up and cleared his throat, being overly-dramatic, as usual. “I’m so very thankful that my Cowboy here finally found someone. She’s a great girl, and I alrady know she’s destined to be a Spencer. Hey, anyone want to bet on how long it’ll take them to tie the kont?” He looked around eagerly as Laura threw a roll at him and everyone else chuckled.
“Luke, I wanred you!” she said, glaring at him, trying not to laugh.
“Oh, man, I wanted to get in on that!” Jax said jokingly.
“Jax, you’ll bet on anything, won’t you?” Jerry asked, slapping his brother on the back.
“Okay, okay, no bets. Come on, it’s your turn,” Luke said, grinning at Lucky.
“Well, I guess I’m thankful that my dad has finally stopped saying ‘I told you so’.” Everyone laughed again. “And of course, I’m thankful for Elizabeth.” He smiled at her, squeezing her hand under that table.
“I’m thankful that Lucky finally came to his senses and asked me out!” she joked. Once again, laughter all around. She turned to Emily and smiled. “I’m thankful that I don’t have to be back at the Q’s for another 3 hours!” Laughter again. “And I’m thankful to have Nikolas,” she continued, smiling at him.
“All right, all right, there’s just way too much mushiness here today!” Luke groaned.
Nikolas shook his head and smiled. “I guess I should be thankful that Luke hasn’t killed me yet.” More laughter.
Luke grinned. “Yet, that’s the key word!” Laura shot him another look and he shrugged. “Hey, he started that one!”
“Well, I’m thankful to have such wonderful employers and to be able to spend this day with all of my friends,” Tammy said, smiling at Luke and Bobbie. “Mike?”
“I’m thankful that my son is finally able to tolerate my presence,” Sonny rolled his eyes, “and that my godson is happy and healthy.” Carly turned to smile at Michael, who was being fed by Maxie and Georgie.
Tony cleared his throat and looked at Bobbie. “I’m thankful that I’m able to spend more time with my son.”
Mac looked around, trying to think of something to say. “I’m thankful that my family is happy and healthy. I guess I should also be thankful that Sonny and Jason are here. It’s less likely I’ll get called in to the station during dinner now.”
“Mac,” Felicia said, glaring at him.
Luke chuckled. “Like I always say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Right, Nikky?” Nikolas rolled his eyes, wondering why on Earth he was there.
“Well, I’m thankful to have so many wonderful friends, and for my girls,” Felicia said cheerfully, trying to lighten to mood again.
Laura smiled. “See, that wasn’t so bad. Now, does anyone want to say grace?” She looked around, but everyone was silent. Finally Luke raised his glass and grinned.
“Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub!” Everyone laughed again and began to eat.
Liz leaned in tto Lucky. “It’s not so bad yet.”
He chuckled. “Oh, this is only the beginning. Just wait!”

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